Sunday, July 18, 2010

Personal Portfolio Website

My next project is to create a personal portfolio for myself as a designer. I will be using this site to provide information about myself and my design projects. Most of the projects will be from my classes and activities at La Roche, but there are a few exceptions. I've been spending a lot of time looking around at different online design portfolios and thinking about the qualities that I like and don't care for so I can get a better understanding of where to start my design. I've created an identity for myself within the past few weeks, and it is the SE picture on the page here. I just finished my business cards last week and I couldn't be more excited about them! They're so much more different than anything else I've created for myself. I have the best of intentions to make my portfolio site just as good and innovative. Hopefully enough people will see it and like it so that I might have a job opportunity when I graduate in the spring.

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